Mistake #1

They pre-assume a negative outcome to the results of an action not yet taken.

For example, if they have prospecting calls to make or an appointment to go on, they assume negative results will be awaiting their actions, which has them take fewer actions or no actions, thereby reducing their chances of success greatly. We need to sow (prospect) abundantly in order to reap (sell) abundantly. If we’re assuming something negative, it will have us not want to take the action and even if we do take the action the negative assumption will have us be less effective with what we want to accomplish, such as making the appointments or making the sales.

How to correct mistake #1

Pre-assume a positive outcome to an action not yet taken. The BEST things about your pre-assumptions are that they are “made up.” They have to be made up because they are predicting something in the future that hasn’t yet occurred. So, if we’re making them up, they are BEST to be made up “as if” what we want to happen (the appointment or the sale) is going to be a positive (what we want) outcome, rather than the negative ( what we don’t want) outcome. As we do this process on every future event, we are increasing our positive expectations, thereby increasing our power and with increased power we will generate increased results.

Mistake #2

They are making the selling situation about them, rather than making it about their prospect.

Meaning, they are more concerned how they look or what might happen that would be more personal to them. Such as, they may get rejected; they may not look good in the prospect’s eyes. They may not be good enough, they may fail, etc. When the sales person or business owner makes it about them, two things occurs; one is they are not operating at 100% of their power. They are operating from a place of playing not to lose, which isn’t the most powerful place to play. The second occurrence of making the selling situation about them is that if the prospect has an objection (an objection is nothing more than a question the prospect needs an answer to in order to move forward) to any part of the selling process, the salesperson will not go the distance to have the prospect buy their product or service.  They will stop themselves because of their fears about themselves, how it will look, being rejected, etc.

How to correct Mistake #2

Focus out and make it about the prospect. Make it about how you can assist them by what your product or service will do for them regarding their wants and needs. Create within you, a certainty of the value you and your product or service are for the buying public and keep your attention on that fact, rather than on you or any personal goals or fears you might have. Focus out on what they want and need and in turn by them getting what they want and need, you will get what you want and need, the Sale. It becomes a win win situation.

Mistake #3

They sell the features not the benefits.

The features to a product or service won’t have you sell your product or service. If you’re in Accounting the features might be that you’ve done it for so many years. You are an enrolled agent.  You get their returns done on time. You will go with them to an audit if needed, etc. Or, if you are selling loans, you might tell them that you will get them the best rates. You will have their loan close on time etc. These are the features of what you’re selling and although they are important, they aren’t what are going to have your prospect choose to spend their time and money with you. They’re just going to be data for them to know about you, your product or service; they won’t get you the sale.

How to correct Mistake #3

Why people buy anything is because they see the value in what they buy in terms of what it will do for them. As it has been said, everyone is tuned into the same station, WIIFM; “What’s in it for me?”  So, when you’re talking to a prospect you need to do a LOT of fact-finding to learn what’s important to them. Then, when you’re asking them to buy your product or service you need to speak it in terms of what it will do for them in alignment with what they told you were important to them. For the example of the accountant, as you’ve asking a lot of fact-finding questions from the prospect you find out they spend a lot of time at their business, that they aren’t too interested in working with numbers and how they dread having to duplicate anything, because it interferes with their money making activities. You can enroll them in hiring you by letting them know that in all the years you’ve been in accounting your clients have told you that they like the fact that what you do so well allows them to spend time at their business making a lot more money. Also, that by being an enrolled agent, you have the expertise and knowledge to keep them away from having to duplicate their effort in accounting, so they can have the time to dedicate to their business etc. Their interest isn’t in what you do. Their interest is in what you can do for them. Keep finding out what that is for them and keep your conversation geared toward that and you will close a LOT more business, help a LOT more people and make a LOT more money.

Clement Pepe, $uccess Coach